
had a strange week - lot's of high highs and really low lows. been able to hang out with some really solid friends lately and i am loving it. the people i have accumulated in my life are nothing if not amazing. i am a very lucky girl. went to a show, drank beers on a patio (or 2 or 3), went out for burgers, snuggled my kittens and cleaned my house. i am a very easy girl to please.

my momma's bday came and went so my week also involved some butler family fun time, which is always the thing that makes me feel the best. seeing mum feeling well and moving well is the best thing i can think of.

sadly, we had a huge loss this week and i am reeling from that. it's so hard when you know that all you can really do is sit back and wait for the people in your life that are hurting to be ready for you to come back in. but i will sit and wait for as long as it takes.

it's crazy how much you can love someone you never met, and will never be able to meet.

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